Saturday 13 February 2016

Warming Hearts for Valentine's Day

Image result for somebody loves you mr. hatch 
In a little town on a wintry day, a postman delivers a mysterious package tied up with a big pink bow to a lonely man named Mr. Hatch. "Somebody loves you" the note says.  "Somebody loves me," Mr. Hatch whispers as he dusts his living room. "Somebody loves me," Mr. Hatch whistles as he does errands in town. "Who," Mr. Hatch wonders, "could somebody be?"
After listening to this story, every child in the school worked hard to create a beautiful Valentine's Day card for someone in the community. 

The messages were simple, but the power in receiving was seen immediately (i.e., toddlers jumping up and down as they saw a student delivering a card to their home, a senior citizen, who recently lost her husband, finding something to smile about) and is often returned with phone calls and letters of appreciation from neighbours afterwards.

The delivery isn't complete without a drop off at the local Fire Hall!
Link to story read online:

Thank-you to all my students for the sweet cards.  Messages like the one below warm my heart for the entire year and remind me why I do this job.


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